05-20-24 You can thank the fever that comes from a fine weekend of being in Model Community for this one. After sending the day at the SilverCon 2024 with friends, it hit me that this would be a spectacular way to remember both the Real NCAR when it ran in Reno, and recall fun past club cpntests on the "fantastic offshoot" verson

SO HERE IT IS on the month of what would have been the 60th anniversary of Natonal Championship Air Racing, the SVSM Club Contest for September 2024
SVSM Meeting CLUB CONTEST "NCAR Real or Not" Fantastic or Historic


You may enter ANY YEAR or VERSION of an AIR RACE Aircraft, it doesn't have to be a strictly Reno Air Racer related vehicle. In Any Scale. So feel free to find an obscure craft, or remind us of  bygone days when even our Oakland Airport  was a racing venue (The Aloha Derby), the Bendix, The Schneider Trophy, etc.


You may enter an utterly made up Air Racer or one that was never actually made but had in fact a basis in reality, just never built or at least to point of being raced. PAST ENTRANTS built and entered in prior SVSM club or annuall events
ARE OKAY to come and compete again just like in REAL AIR RACING