Ongoing coverage of SVSM & Free Hornets Club Contests, as a single reference point. Drop down tabs this page for each

05-29-24 ADDED NOVEMBER SVSM Club Contest

05-20-24 ADDED SEPTEMBER SVSM Club Contest 

12-20-23 UPDATED AUGUST SVSM Club Contest for stsrting details ADDED APRIL SVSM club contest

12-17-23 Added MARCH and AUGUST SVSM Club Contest stubs and updated FEBRUARY SVSM club contest info

09-17-23 Added OCTOBER SVSM Club Contest, Stay tuned for two more updates soon

08-26-23 Added Free Hornets September and November 2023 events stay tuned more coming from both clubs

03-17-23 SVSM Surprise Event announced at March Meeting for April Club Contest #2 The Eggstrordinary ...

02-05-23 FREE HORNETS and SVSM have a summer of club contests now spanning the entire 3 months look it up

01-24-23  GUESS WHAT The SVSM Club Prez is celebrating his birthday by sponsoring TWO CLUB CONTESTS for JULY

01-14-23 WELL ABOUT TIME AIN'T IT? 3 Club Contests on the way, 2 for SVSM, 1 for Free Hornets, See & June

11-07-2021 Oh my we have been on a hiatus for so long...alas no new club contests to announce yet STAY TUNED THO

11-19-19 DECEMBER GIFT EXCHANGE for 2019 IS ON and Listed here for DEC 2019 SVSM  (it's a club contest of sorts)

08-25-19 NOVEMBER 2019 SVSM Club Contest IS ON. Here Come The S.O.N.S. See drop down for details