UPLOADED 07-03-23 Thanks to attending SILVERCON 2023, got to renewconnections with Alumnus SVSM Editor David L Sampson who has been
a member of the Reno HighRollers club for several years now, but keeps up with us as a regular reader of OSS/TAMS/Buzz V.1 publications. Dave was Editor for some key years of ours and he may not realize it but works
of his then have helped me long past original time of publication. In JUNE
2023 TAMS I made note of our meeting at the show and had references to
some of Dave's classic issues, so here are the full copies in PDF form.
APRIL 1992 - ABSOLUTE CLASSIC, David's front page article on the GLUE REGISTRY Bill passing the California Legislature is a MUST READ. Bill Dye on front page also provides executive caliber material on how to keep your
building models fun and moving along!
And the last page of 2023 JUNE TAMS is snipped right from last page here
APRIL 1993-OKAY strictly speaking this is Chris Bucholtz's first issue as
the SVSM editor, with David Sampson just retiring. But Dave's article on
page 2 of this issue, with huge list of exhaustive categories update for the
1995 "Classic" annual contest, is absolutely essential reading.
SEPTEMBER 1991-Chock full of goodies. Editor David all the way, but he
iis also contributor of a unique "model that got away article" with political
masterpiece by him also, on serious legisiation that really messed up our
model world but speaks to far larger issues so relevant today MIGHTILY.
The "Northrop TRS-3" revelation article is also inspired